The Family We Choose

Written By: Timothy Fish Published: 12/22/2010

Mother Not Wanted Cover

Mother Not Wanted is the story surrounding a mother and daughter who are an unusual pairing. Amber is in fact not Lizi’s mother at all, but was best friend of the girl’s mother. For years, she has raised the girl as her own, but the time has come for her to take the girl to the people she believes is the girl’s family. With the little money she has left, Amber buys tickets on a train that will take them to Fort Worth.

In Fort Worth, Fox Jacobs and his family are uncertain what to make of the arrival of Amber and Lizi. They know too much about the family to throw them out, and the family needs the hope that Lizi brings, but Amber is a con artist whose aim may be to convince Fox’s son and the man that may be Lizi’s father to marry her. Whatever her aims, Amber poses a threat to the merger that the family business needs.

Fox will protect his family from Amber, no matter what it takes, but all the while, there is a more dangerous threat lurking in the shadows that Fox cannot face alone.

Mother Not Wanted is about the family we choose. It is available for sale now.

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