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by D. F. Magruder
"The" Book on Church Websites
Published: 2/1/2007
If you are a church webmaster or a church leader in a church that either has or is considering a website then Church Website Design: A step by step approach is a must read book. If you don't read more than one book on Church website design, this is the book to read.
The book begins with guidelines on how to determine the church's need for a website. For those churches that decide one is needed, it explains how to develop a website that meets these needs and doesn't require a lot of effort on the part of the webmaster. For the webmaster who has started a church website and is having trouble keeping it up to day, this book can provide help. The book concludes with guidance on how those working on the website can maintain their enthusiam for the work.
The author has over ten years of software development experience. He is a church webmaster and holds multiple computer science degrees.