In Support of General Peter Pace

Written By: Timothy Fish Published: 3/14/2007

When someone does something you don’t like, what is the proper thing to do? The proper thing to do is to tell the person directly. When someone does something you like, what is the proper thing to do? In that case, the proper thing to do is to tell his boss.

I sent an e-mail to the White House today. Why would I do such a thing? I did it because General Peter Pace’s boss lives there. Peter Pace recently made comments comparing the immorality of homosexuality to that of adultery. I like that. He seems like the kind of guy I would like to shake hands with and say “I’m pleased to meet you, sir.” I made a special effort to write to his boss because some of the news media has been all over his statement and has been digging up every gay right group and every moderate to liberal politician who will publicly state that they disagree with Peter Pace. A man should not receive this kind of treatment for stating the truth.

Homosexuality is immoral. The homosexuals know it is immoral. Most people in America know it is immoral. We should not be lambasting people for stating what is right.